How about a little dose of inspiration through the eyes of a blind man? Some people got it goin' on, and my buddy, Chuck Miller, is one of them. I have worked out with Chuck, acted as his driver and his girl Friday, shared many meals together and generally cheered him on during his quest to live life to the max.

Chuck, whom I've featured several times on my blog, has done it again. I asked him for his autograph this morning, since he showed up on a Fox News feature story yesterday. I needled him about keeping it a secret. But he scoffed; "I didn't do it for the recognition. I did it to help other people."

Now that the secret is out, he has asked me to feature his interview with Fox News on my blog. It's entitled "Blind Army Veteran is full time adventurer thanks to VA.

What's the intrepid Chuck up to now (besides shredding 100 some pounds?) Follow the link to the story and watch him discuss what it's like to engage in athletics through Adaptive Sports, while blind.

He says he may try surfing next. Now that's inspiring!


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