Job Dissatisfaction--Not

     “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” --Dr. Wayne Dyer.

     So you think your job is not good enough? Feeling dissatisfied?
     For those who have what they consider a “less than glamorous” or “perfect” job, take heart. Also, take time daily to express gratitude that you even have a job during the current economic climate. Many people cannot find work, glamorous or not.
     Simply changing your perception of what it means to be a janitor, for example, will alter your experience for the better. Consider your current job from various standpoints: spiritual, practical and as resume and career building material.

     You are in the right job, at the right time, for right now. No need to fret about it. Be grateful for your job, and find joy in your daily tasks, no matter how seemingly small.
     Be present. Look for what you can learn. There is always something new to learn. Do not wish that you were somewhere else but where you are. Wishing you were elsewhere, or doing something other than what you are doing now, will only make you miserable. Besides, another place or different job will not make you happy!
     Instead, grow into your current job, even if you pursue other job opportunities. Make this job your own. Find ways to expand your responsibilities and create a better niche for yourself. It’s those workers “down in the trenches,” around the customers, that often have inside knowledge and a closer view than the boss. Become an observer in your job. Your insights may change the course of the business. That’s an exciting and worthwhile way to view your position.

     Recognize that your job, no matter how menial it may seem, is very important to the organization for which you work. Without your consistent and conscientious work, the organization would not be able to continue.
     Having worked in restaurants, I learned that the most important person in the restaurant business was the humble dishwasher. No clean dishes, pots, pans, or help with food preparation, means no food being served. Oh.
     Performing your job to the best of your ability has power and purpose. Focus on that fact. If your job entails cleaning, organizing things, working in high traffic areas, then the health and welfare of the public, the customers and other employees, including the boss, is in your hands. You take care of people and their needs. A business cannot exist without its support staff. Well done.

     Consider how you will present your job on your resume. Keep notes and you may surprise yourself with what you discover over several months. As you remain open to how important your job is, you may find ways to highlight what makes your manner of job performance unique and valuable. You are a team member and someone with whom others enjoy working.
     Take advantage of job reviews. While growing in you job, you gain insight into the job itself and how you fit into the team. Use your notes, while considering each review an opportunity to present your accomplishments.
     Think long-term. This job is not forever, but your attitudes and your work ethic will follow you. Demonstrate that you demand excellence from yourself, and focus on the “why” you are doing your job, instead of the job label; you will derive the satisfaction you deserve from your humble, yet important, job.

I gave this solicited advice to a gym employee, who was feeling undervalued and frustrated with her custodial job. She ultimately returned to college full-time; however she left with a noticeably greater appreciation for having worked there.


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